
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018


Aprovechando los calores veraniegos, ahí va una nueva ración de reflexiones artísticas. Porque las obras de arte tienen ideas propias...

"A ver Adán, majo, espabila un poco, que tengo un horario muy apretado que cumplir"

"Y ahora todos conmigo: oooommhhh..."

" siento las piernas..."

"Me he quedao clavao. De aquí no me mueven ni con grúa"

El fotógrafo profesional 

" Muy bien, ahora todos quietos, no os movaís, nos os movaís, y decid: Luiiiisss..."

"Agggghhh! mis manos!!"

En un descanso de la batalla...

"Tu me das cremita, yo te doy cremita, aprieta bien el tubo, que sale bien fresquita"

María: "Ven pa cá chiguito y deja de enredar con el cordero"

Sentimientos encontrados ante la creación de Eva:

"No sé por qué, pero tengo la sensación de que esto no es buena idea..."

Perseo a Medusa...

"¿A que no lo has visto venir?"

"Perseo 1, Medusa 0"

La esposa poniendo sus condiciones...

"Giovanni, que no se acerque Fru-frú; como me estropee el vestido, esta noche duermes en el banco del comedor!!!"

"Daos prisa leñe, que se acerca tormenta"

"Tate quieto zagal y no me seas quejica que acabo en un pis pás"

"En Francia posamos así" Luis XIV dixit.

Judith a su criada: "A ver Hortensia, trae pacá la espada, que se te queda atascada y la lías parda"

"Ahora que se ha quedao sobao, voy a limpiarle la mesa..."

"Elefantes??, en serio??? Así no juego"

"Espartanos, jurad por vuestro honor!!"
"Aú!! Aú!!"

"Pues sí que llueve, sí"

Imágenes extraídas de Wikipedia.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018


The Sistine Chapel is one of the most famous rooms inside the Vatican. The reason of this is because of the treassure that is inside the chapel, the paintings made by Michelangelo Buonarotti.
At the end of the fifteenth century Buonarotti was, indeed, one the most brilliant artist in Florence. He was such a celebrity, whose ability to work with marble did not know rival. In fact, "The Pietá" was considered a masterpiece at the end of the fifteenth century.

At the begining of the sixteenth century, the Pope Julius II was very busy to built the Saint Peter's Chuch. Furthermore, the Pope wanted to conclude the renovation of the Sistine Chapel which have started a century before. 

The most excelsiors paintings of the Italian Renaissance, included Sandro Boticelli, Domenico Guirlandaio and Pietro Perugino, have  painted several themes alongside the walls of the Sixtine Chapel. It only remained the ceiling to finish the works. At first, Julius II thought on Rafaelo Sanzio, although Bramante who was working for the Pope as his former arquitect, suggested the name of Buonarotti as the perfect man for the work.

When Michelangelo heard that the Pope himself had a job for him, he was very proud, so he went to Rome at once. Nevertherless, when the Pope told Buonarotti that he was chosen to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling, the artist was reluctant to take on the work. That was a terrible offense, because he was a sculpture, not a painter.

Despite the terrible start, Michaelangelo decided to accept the work. The ceiling was painting from 1508 to 1512. Buonarotti worked all that time alone, because he thought that no one else could do what he does.

The main topic of the ceiling was the begining of the human race. Although most of the scenes were related to the Bible, that was the perfect excuse for Michaelangelo to pay tribute to the human body.

One of the most impresive frescos is "The creation of Adam". The first man is lay with his left hand up, waiting for God who is going to turn up the button of life.

This is the iconic image of the hand of God giving life to Adam. It is such a powerful image, to conect a human being with God. Alongside "the creation of Adam", another important scene is "The creation of Eve".

In "the creation of Eve", Adam is asleep while Eve emerged from Adam's cloak.
The story of Adam and Eve continues with "The original sin" and their expulsion from the garden of Eden.

There are also, other narrative stories we can see on the ceiling. The creation of Earth and the Sun, or God separiting the waters from the heavens.

Furthermore there are several scenes from Noe story. The most important of all, the topic about the Great Flood.

Apart from the narrative scenes, the decoration of the ceiling is complete by a group of prophets and sibyls. Both are very important characters because they foretold the coming to the Mesiah. You can see some images below:

Michelangelo finished the ceiling in 1512. Although he returned to the Sistine chapel again in 1536 to paint The Last Jugdment, but that is a story to tell in another time...

All the images are from wikipedia.
To learn more...

Sistine Chapel  ceiling video